5 art exhibits you need to see this summer
July 28, 2017

When you think of summer what pops into your head? If you’re like most Canadians, the answer is probably patios, picnics, and long weekends on the lake. We’re not knocking it (we can rosé all day with the best of them) but with the exciting lineup of arts and culture events happening this summer in the 6ix, we’d suggest broadening your plans to include some serious art appreciation. From major exhibitions at our top institutions, to unexpected displays at niche venues across the GTA, there’s something for everyone. Read on and get ready to be inspired.

Now until August 13 // The Aga Khan Museum

One of the amazing things about art is its ability to provide a window into unfamiliar worlds, and nowhere is that more evident than at The Aga Khan Museum, whose mission is to foster a greater understanding and appreciation of the contribution that Muslim civilizations have made to the world. Their current exhibit, Syrian Symphony, explores the roles of art and artists during times of upheaval and conflict, and ultimately demonstrates the determination to rebuild.

Now until September 17 // Harbourfront Centre

This year’s summer lineup at Harbourfront Centre includes Legacies 150, a series of interactive photo and illustration essays reflecting on legacy and inheritance a century and a half into Canadian Confederation; Niagara Palimpsest, a photographic presentation of botanical pressings telling the story of Niagara Falls circa 1891; and Postcard, a group exhibition that challenges the nature of travel imagery.

Now until August 20 // Ed Mirvish Theatre

For those who prefer their art in musical form, get out and see Beautiful, the true story of Carole King’s remarkable rise to stardom, featuring an array of classic songs that will have you humming along as you watch the inspiring story of this singer/songwriter unfold.

Now until November 19 // McMichael Canadian Art Collection

passion over reasON: TOM THOMSON & JOYCE WIELAND
The McMichael Collection continues to celebrate the art of Canada, this time with an exhibition that features masterworks of quintessential Canadian artist, Tom Thomson, interwoven with works by Joyce Wieland, “Canada’s feminist art pioneer.” For the sesquicentennial celebration, the gallery will be exhibiting its entire collection of Thomson’s paintings, drawings, photographs, and personal objects – a glimpse into the mind of a man who has become the embodiment of Canada’s mysterious and revered wilderness.

July 28 & August 25 // Design Exchange

On the last Friday of every month the Design Exchange opens its doors for free guided tours through exhibitions of Canada’s rich design heritage. Explore highlights of the collection on an hour-long tour of our nation’s rich industrial design history with a focus on furniture, housewares, textiles, electronics, and lighting. Discover how the things we interact with every day are conceived and produced.

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